Sunday, September 18, 2011

So LONG!!!

I can't believe we haven't posted since March!  Wow.  That is definitely too long.
We've been busy with Farmer's Market and work and school...

However, Beth and I are going to try and do something different with this blog.  Our hope is to post once a week and trade off who bears responsibility for posting.  For example:  I am posting now, which means Beth will be next, in about a week.  Then I'll follow with a post in about a week.  Clear as mud?

The sum up: We will be posting more regularly. =)

Today was our final Farmer's Market day for 2011, which is an ambivilent sort of day...  Our feelings are rather mixed up.
-Yes, we are ready for the constant pressure to 'produce, produce, produce' to let up. 
-However, we both like going to FM, and we will miss our friends and our regular customers.  We like what we do. 
-At the same time, it's going to start getting COLD very soon, and neither one of us likes to sit outside at 30 or 40 degrees with a cold breeze blowing through our tent.  Two years ago we got snowed on during the final week, and I will never forget how miserable we were. 
-But we like selling pretty things to people who like to buy pretty things.  We like earning money from our creative endeavors.

So, we go back and forth.  Yes, we want to keep going, but there is no way we're doing Farmer's Market into the winter.

THANK YOU for making our 2011 Farmer's Market a success!  Thank you for coming and looking.  Thank you for talking and sharing stories.  Thank you for buying our jewelry and talking to us about what you like and don't like.  Fairbanks, we love you!

Have a wonderful fall, winter, and spring.  See you next summer at the Market!

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